Resources for Praxis

It’s pointless to learn about Maoism if you don’t do anything with it. After all, revolutionary practice is the reason we’re here. But actually going out into the world can be hard. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could even harm the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement. Praxis is the synthesis of theory and practice and it requires a robust understanding of both. So, how do we build this understanding and make it less challenging to actually make a difference?

The answer is simple. Study Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and work together with your comrades. We aren’t like the capitalists who are constantly at each others’ throats chasing maximum profits. Your struggle is the same struggle that ever revolutionary is going through. All of our interests are the same. Collaboration is the key to revolution.

Our Struggles

Before we start actually doing praxis, we need to have an understanding of the current situation. Here is a map of ongoing Maoist revolutionary struggles.

If you’ want ‘d like to get further involved with communist organizing, it’s best that you do it with others. You’ll be safer, smarter, and more effective in praxis working with more comrades. Here is a list of organizations you can reach out to.

Communist Organizations


Contact Information


CPI (Maoist)

Banned By The Government

New Peoples Army, Phillipines

How can you help these struggles?

  1. Raise awareness. A lot of comrades in these places don’t know about the ongoing People’s Wars, and some oppose them due to anti-communist propaganda. The easiest thing you can do is to make more people in these support Marxism-Leninism Maoism, and it really goes a long way.
  2. Engage in legal forms of struggle. Vote for Maoists in parliament (for the purpose of promoting the revolution, not reform). A communist party has many wings, the political, the military, and the press, and some of them can be legal in different countries. We should utilize that. Also, write in the newspaper. Take over trade unions. Legally promote the revolution to overthrow capitalism.
  3. Engage in actual struggle. Take over territory. Expand base areas. Become rooted in the communities the revolution is in. Do whatever you can to establish socialism in your own country.
  4. In formerly socialist countries, criticize opportunists and demonstrate for the proletarian revolutionary line. Don’t make too many concessions to the revisionist governments but also don’t act like all remnants of proletarian ideology are washed away.


If you have material that you’d like to see up on our site, don’t hesitate to contact us at!

Get Started Working With Us!

With zero need for in-person action and a myriad of projects available for any comrade to contribute, Maoism For The Masses is a great place to begin one’s communist praxis! Sign up here, and we will assign you to something.

We are currently working on a Youtube Channel, various literary works, a Quora page, (yes…) a Twitter page, a Discord Server for education, and, obviously, this fabulous website. Some of our comrades engage in real-time, real-life praxis as well.

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