Debunking Myths

If you’re a Maoist, a Marxist-Leninist, or even a socialist in general, you are probably aware of the many myths associated with our movement. It’s a natural part of our struggle that the decadent bourgeoisie and its allies will resort to spreading lies about us to prevent us from liberating the people. Unfortunately, many of these myths can have a pretty impact on workers and would-be comrades. In nations from America to Brazil to the Phillipines, workers have willingly elected openly right-wing leaders because of this type of misinformation. Obviously, socialist revolution won’t happen, in these places or anywhere, without mass mobilization. We need to respond to these myths to ensure the success of communism.

This page serves as a resource to correct these myths and teach the truth about socialism. You may not be convinced after simply skimming through it. It is highly encouraged that you check out the works linked to this page, as well as other proletarian sources to have a more complete understanding of communism and the myths pertaining to it.

Here is a table of the many myths spread about our movement from anti-communists in general.

“It Goes Against
Human Nature!”
“Stalin Was _____”“Capitalism = Meritocracy”“Communism Always Fails”
“It Killed 100 Million People”“Marxism Is Just Plain Wrong”“Everyone Is Paid The Same”“Capitalism = Democracy”
“Totalitarian”“Why Don’t You Move To North Korea?”“Mao Was _____”“Nazis Were Leftist”
“Communism Is Utopian”“iPhones”“Marx Was _____”“Vuvuzuela”

As Comrade Stalin rightly said, the greatest danger to the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement lies not within the right-wing itself but within its agents on the political left. It is just as important that we address their myths as well as general anti-communists sentiments if we want to truly liberate the working class from all the Kool-Aid capitalism has forced down their throats.

Here is a second table dedicated to myths coming from our enemies left of the center.

“Capitalism Just Needs Reform”“Marx Was A Democratic Socialist”“Lenin Wasn’t A Marxist”“We Don’t Live Under Capitalism”
“Left Unity”“Workers Don’t Need Vanguard Babysitters”“The Shining Path Is A Terrorist Organization”“The World Is Getting Better Anyway”
“The Revisionist U.S.S.R. Was Great”“Siege Socialism Isn’t Socialism”“Mao Was The Real Revisionist”“Identity Politics Are Cool”
“Stalin Bad, Trotsky Good”“Smash The State”“Dengism Is A Higher Stage Of Marxism”“The Problem Is Distribution”

It’s important to educate the masses on these myths and why they’re wrong. If you want to help the Maoist movement, you could start by sharing this page (or the individual links connected to it) to raise class consciousness and promote revolution!

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